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4 Steps to Boost Your Fertility | Free Ebook

50 Fertility-Friendly Recipes | Fuel for your fertility

An ipad screen shows a woman taking an online fertility quiz next to the words: Suffering from infertility and searching for the root cause? Take the fertility quiz.

Uncover the Root Cause of Your Fertility Symptoms

Dr. Mandy Patterson and Dr. Jeanie Schafly, Naturopaths and Holistic Fertility Experts of Positivity Fertility.

We are POSITIVELY dedicated to GUIDING COUPLES on their FERTILITY JOURNEY, helping them reach OPTIMAL HEALTH (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) and help make POSITIVE CHANGES for FUTURE GENERATIONS.

Whether you want to preserve your fertility for a journey in the future, you’re currently struggling to get pregnant, or you’ve had a difficult pregnancy and birth experience and you want to have a different experience in the future, our approach to fertility applies to you!

MAGGIE, Fertility Coaching Client

“I can’t believe I am saying this, but we are PREGNANT!

We thought IVF was our only hope for a baby, but I found Mandy online and took the leap into functional medicine. After 4 months of working together and optimizing our diet and lifestyle choices, we got the green light to try to get pregnant and it just happened. I would highly recommend working with Mandy as she was a wealth of knowledge on our fertility journey.”

Fatima, Fertility Coaching Client

“Dr. Jeanie is a very compasionate and patient listener…

Many doctors never bother to get to the root cause of the problems, instead simply prescribe the same protocols, but Dr.Jeanie was different. I’m glad I was able to make the necessary changes to my diet and environment specific to me. My baby girl was born this year!

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