Empowering You on Your Fertility Journey

Optimize your fertility and feel liberated in your health — in the next 3 months
(minus the stress and overwhelm!)

We know what it’s like to research *all the things* and still not know where to start when it comes to pregnancy.


Should I change my diet? Or start drinking that fertility tea that my aunt told me about?


Exactly how much sex should we be having? Once a day? Twice a day?


Is it too late for me? What if I’m over 35? Or have had a ‘failed’ IVF outcome?


What if I’ve already tried everything? Can I still overcome infertility?

That’s why, as functional medicine doctors, fertility experts, and moms, it is our calling to empower women like you by giving you the exact tools and guidance you need to achieve the health and family of your dreams.


Primary logo for Positivity Fertility Coaching.

A 3-month group coaching course that uses customized lifestyle medicine to promote fertility and provide the foundation for optimal health.

Positivity Fertility is perfect for you if you are…


Thinking about getting pregnant and want to prepare your body and health as much as possible


Ready to get pregnant right now


Have tried getting pregnant before and are struggling


Have had failed IVF and/or IUI outcomes


Feel like you’ve exhausted every option the convential route has to offer


Or have had a challenging pregnancy (pregnancies) or pregnancy loss(es) in the past and want to optimize health for successful pregnancy outcomes

If any of these align with you — you’re in the right place. 

meet Dr. Jeanie & Dr. Mandy

We are dedicated to GUIDING COUPLES on their FERTILITY JOURNEY to reach their optimal health (physically, emotionally, & spiritually) and help make POSITIVE CHANGES for FUTURE GENERATIONS.

Whether you want to preserve your fertility for a journey in the future, or you are currently struggling to get pregnant, or you’ve had a difficult pregnancy and birth experience and you want to have a different experience in the future, our approach to fertility applies to you!


Emily, PCOS Client

“I FINALLY feel in control of my life and have motivation to stay on track with the tools that was provided in our time of working together.

I have gone to several doctors for PCOS over the years and have tried everything to optimize my health. Mandy helped me with my diet and understand the root cause behind my challenges.”

Maggie, Fertility coaching client

“I can’t believe I am saying this, but we are PREGNANT!

We thought IVF was our only hope for a baby, but I found Mandy online and took the leap into functional medicine. After 4 months of working together and optimizing our diet and lifestyle choices, we got the green light to try to get pregnant and it just happened. I would highly recommend working with Mandy as she was a wealth of knowledge on our fertility journey.”

Fatima, Fertility coaching Client

“Dr. Jeanie, is a very compassionate and patient listener.

Many doctors never bother to get to the root cause of the problems, instead simply prescribe the same protocols, but Dr. Jeanie was different, I’m glad I was able to make the necessary changes to my diet and environment specific to me. I am glad I stumbled upon her coaching, even though I have yet to receive my final results, but I am cautiously optimistic in achieving my pregnancy. If you want a more”personalized” approach to your treatment, working with Dr. Jeanie is the right place! Best of Luck.”

Michael, Fertility coaching client

“Dr. Jeanie is awesome to work with.

She was very knowledgeable and offered great support throughout the entire program. I highly recommend her!

What’s inside the program?

When you join the Positivity Fertility cohort, you’ll get:


12 LIVE coaching calls (PLUS a bonus kick-off callwith Q&As so you can ask the questions that matter most to you


12 weeks of  online lessons designed to give you a fertility plan that actually works


A bundle of bonuses to help you optimize your health, body, and environment


Lifetime access to a library of fertility resources


The knowledge, support, and empowerment you need to advocate for yourself and your fertility


Access to a private Facebook group community of people just like you 


The expertise, advice, and guidance of 2 fertility experts and naturopathic doctors who understand the journey and are there for you!

Take Back Control of Your Fertility

The investment for this entire package — direct guidance from fertility experts, all of the Positivity Fertility lessons, PLUS all the bonuses, tons of worksheets, downloads, menus, and more — is only:


or $1,098.90/month for 3 months

Computer, laptop, and tablet screens show previews of the curriculum for Positivity Fertility Online Fertility Coaching Cohort.


$1098.90 x 3



“Our twins were born last week and I had a wonderful pregnancy as I had spent time investing in my health before they were born. I’d spent two years working on myself but with lots of frustrations along the way as there is so much confusion surrounding diets, supplements, etc. I am so grateful for Mandy’s wisdom and guidance in the appropriate diet and lifestyle recommendations to ensure I would be the healthiest version of myself prior to pregnancy. I can’t thank her enough and will be forever grateful!”

~ Holly

Your Health and Fertility are NOT A One-Size-Fits-All Things

That’s why your 3-month Group Coaching Experience will include education around conventional labs and a specific section on functional medicine tests that can help you get to the root cause of you and your partner’s health challenges. If you decide you would like access to these tests, you and your partner will have the opportunity to work with Dr. Mandy and Dr. Jeanie directly for coaching on what these labs tell us and on optimizing your health.

Want a Sneak Peek?

Get our step-by-step process for improving your fertility and getting pregnant!
Here’s what we’ll cover in the 3 months we spend together:

A computer screen shows a happily pregnant woman next to the words: Introduction to Health Foundations Module.

Intro to Health Foundations

Get the foundational knowledge and awareness of how simple health habits impact you and your partner’s fertility. We’ll learn about the biggest offenders of health (processed foods, stress, and toxins) and what health habits are the most important to start incorporating into your health routine for optimizing hormones and fertility. We will learn about the female hormones and dive into how to start charting your BBT for fertility success.

A computer screen shows a happily pregnant woman next to the words: Introduction to Health Foundations Module.
A computer screen shows a woman with a healthy, salad-based meal next to the text: Detoxing the Home and Body Module.

Detoxing the Home and Body

The products we put into our mouths and on our bodies have a lot of toxins. It’s time to detox the body and environment that we live in. We will be introducing the Fertility Reboot Nutrition plan and you will learn how to clean up your kitchen and personal care and cleaning products, eliminating inflammatory triggers in the detox and cleanout.

A computer screen shows a stressed woman next to the text: Impact of Stress Module | Online Fertility Coaching

Impact of Stress

Stress has far-reaching impacts on our lives and can have a profound effect on our fertility. In this section, you will learn how to manage stress through methods such as self-regulating, deep breathing exercises, and gratitude journaling.

We will be discussing body types from an Eastern perspective and what lifestyle modifications may be helpful in your unique case.

A computer screen shows a stressed woman next to the text: Impact of Stress Module | Online Fertility Coaching
A computer screen shows a happy woman looking at a positive pregnancy test next to the words: Understanding Functional Tests & Biohacking Your Way to Fertility

Understanding Lab Tests & Biohacking Your Way to Fertility

It is helpful to have insight into how a functional medicine approach can help you pinpoint imbalances or areas of weakness in your body. So we will be discussing different lab tests in-depth and how they may be helpful to you and your partner as you navigate the fertility journey.

A computer screen shows a happy couple next to the text: Egg & Sperm - Health and Dysfunction in the Body Module

Egg & Sperm Health and Dysfunction in the Body

We will be discussing the importance of optimizing egg and sperm health here. Imbalances in the body are generally tied back to inflammation. We’ll also be presenting on different health challenges that may impact fertility including PMS/PMDD, PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmune dynamics and how to correct these imbalances through a whole body approach.

A computer screen shows a happy couple next to the text: Egg & Sperm - Health and Dysfunction in the Body Module
A computer screen shows a happy couple with a positive pregnancy test next to the words: Mind Body Module

The Mind Body

The health and fertility journey can feel overwhelming so in this module we will be discussing how to implement abundant self-care and how to nurture your relationship with your partner. We will also cover the three components of a healthy sex life and how to keep your sex life fun and positive during the fertility waiting game.

And that’s not all you get.

Join us for this transformative experience and you’ll also get access to these

amazing bonuses and more:

Tablet screen shows a healthy meal next to the words: 7-Day Fertility Meal Plan


7-Day Fertility Meal Plan:

Tailored Nutritional Guidance: Receive a week-long meal plan specifically designed to boost fertility. Each meal is crafted to provide the optimal balance of nutrients needed to enhance reproductive health.

Tablet screen shows an image of supplements next to the words: Fertility Boost Supplement Protocol


Fertility Boost Supplement Protocol:

Comprehensive Supplement Guide: You’ll get a meticulously curated list of supplements that are essential for boosting fertility. This guide includes detailed descriptions of each supplement’s benefits specifically targeted towards enhancing reproductive health.

Tablet screen shows a pregnancy test and an iphone next to the words: Fertility Apps


Fertility Apps:

Curated List of Top Apps: An exclusive list of fertility apps that are vetted and approved by the Positivity Fertility course. These apps are selected for their usefulness, user-friendliness, and accuracy in tracking fertility-related metrics.

By the end of this program, you will:

Get to the root cause(s) of any health challenges for both partners with action steps to implement and facilitate change


Gain education and tools for living a healthy lifestyle and optimizing your chances of getting pregnant


Customize a nutrition plan for your unique needs and optimize your and your partner’s health prior to pregnancy


Get much-needed tools to naturally balance stress and hormones, remove inflammation, and optimize thyroid, gut, and detoxification pathways


Identify stressors and toxins that are negatively impacting your body and environment


Learn how to be in tune with your body and maximize your chances to get pregnant naturally


Gain two fertility cheerleaders and experts on an often lonely journey, and so much more!

A happy couple holds a positive pregnancy test, celebrating their results.
A pregnant women in a field smiles, illustrating the beauty of the Your Fertility Your Power message.

Before you join us, we want to be upfront.

This program IS NOT the right fit if you:

Aren’t ready to fully invest your time and mind in your fertility journey

Just want a quick fix and aren’t ready to do the hard work to get real results

Aren’t willing to try new things or make lifestyle and dietary changes

Aren’t ready to be present

If this sounds like you, that’s okay! But we don’t want you to invest in Positivity Fertility if you’re not in a position to get the most out of this fertility coaching program.

On the other hand, if you’re over struggling on your own — we can’t wait to see you on the inside.

Imagine the version of you you’ll be in 3 months…

…You wake up feeling better than you have in years (or maybe ever)

…You’re no longer confused by the slew of pregnancy advice coming your way

…You have a step-by-step plan for getting pregnant on your timeline

…You and your partner have forged a deeper relationship built on trust

…You’re ready to welcome a new baby into your family

It doesn’t have to be a dream, it can be your reality.

Primary logo for Positivity Fertility Coaching.

An in-depth 3-month course to optimize your health and take charge of your fertility.


Your Investment: $2997

You have questions, we have answers!

Will this actually help me get pregnant?

As much as we wish we could, we are not promising that at the end of this course, you’re going to have a child. But what we are promising is a better understanding of your health. In this 3-month comprehensive group coaching program, you will receive all the foundational work and guidance you need to start revolutionizing your health. But change does not happen overnight, and it does not have an end date. In this program, we will give you all the tools you need to remove inflammation from your body, optimize your thyroid, and transform your health – but the rest is up to you. Lifestyle changes take work. We are here to make that shift easier.

Is this really worth it?

You can continue scrolling through well-meaning advice from others, trying to decide what is right for you while fighting off the stress and overwhelm. Or, you can invest in the most up-to-date, research-backed recommendations from fertility experts. You tell us, is it worth it to you?

What kind of testing do you do?

During this 3-month fertility coaching cohort, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss the lab tests and bloodwork you need for your unique fertility journey with Dr. Jeanie & Dr. Mandy.

By working with Functional Naturopaths, you’ll also have access to a range of comprehensive health panels and the option to review your results with Dr. Jeanie & Dr. Mandy.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Labs and lab reviews are not included in the cost of the Positivity Fertility cohort but are available as an add-on.
  • Most couples don’t need additional testing after completing the Positivity Fertility cohort and optimizing their wellness through sustainable lifestyle changes. 


Do you work with other health care providers?

In Positivity Fertility, we do collaborate with other healthcare providers to help meet your personalized healthcare needs and get you on the best wellness and fertility plan.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! You can invest upfront or choose a 3-month payment plan.

Positivity Fertility: $2,997 or $1,098.90/month for 3 months

What if I get pregnant during the 3-month program?

Congratulations! We are so happy you are starting your parent journey! The recommendations, expert advice, and guidance in this course are not only designed to help you become pregnant, but to maintain pregnancy and increase your birth outcomes. That means the info you will get during this course will help you optimize your health for the rest of your life, not just for three months.

I’m over 38, is this even worth it?

The lifestyle recommendations in this course will help anyone, at any age, learn how to optimize their health and better their chances of a wonderful pregnancy journey.

Want real-world evidence? Dr. Jeanie Schafly, co-founder of Posivity Fertility, had her kids in her 40s! After experiencing fertility struggles firsthand, Dr. Jeanie went on to have two beautiful children. Now, it’s her mission to help individuals find their path forward to the family of their dreams.

Start learning about how you can improve your fertility right here, right now.

IVF Didn’t Work, What Now?

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Overcoming PCOS-Related Infertility

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Tips for Optimizing Fertility in Your 30s

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